Hawaii Weather?

You might think my most asked question would be about dolphins. However, more than anything I get asked about the weather.
Personally, I think Hawaii has the best weather in the world. I moved to Hawaii from Texas 16 years
ago, and reading the forecast was a major adjustment. When you’re in Texas and it says “rain,” you better get ready for some indoor activities. As for Hawaii? 9 out of 10 times a forecast of rain means go outside, and get your cameras ready for some amazing rainbows! If you’ve been in Hawaii long enough, I’m sure you’ve seen the scenario where it rains at the beach, and by the time everyone packs up and reaches their cars the sun is shining again. A 30% chance of rain means 70% of the time it probably won’t be raining ;).
We definitely have days when we cancel tours. Safety is the number one priority in that decision. The second factor that I consider when running a tour is if it’s going to be FUN or not. As for a little rain? I only want to take guests out in conditions when I would also take my own family. Dolphins don’t seem to mind a little rain, and chances are the water will still be beautiful for swimming.
Senior captain