This is certainly an uncomfortable time for everyone. We are, as compassionate human beings, obviously worried about the physical and mental health of the world. At the same time, as operators of a small business in tourism, we are trying to survive this economic impact for our employees and their families. In addition, as a company composed of microbiologists, statisticians, marine biologists, macro-biologists, biotechnicians, environmentalists, first responders, medical assistants, etc, we are constantly brainstorming ways to keep a safe environment for not only our guests, but for ourselves, the animals and the environment.
We have temporarily cancelled our tours to help ensure the overall health of the community. We do not take this lightly. When the time is appropriate again, we encourage you to join us and enjoy some much needed ocean therapy after this anxious, confusing, stressful time.
See you on the water,
Jenna & Lisa